MBA in mass communication


In today’s digitized world, when information travels at the speed of a fraction of a second, the role of mass media and communication is skyrocketing. Mass media and communication help to channel information to reach out to the maximum number of people. With the exponential boom in media and communication technology, transmitting and receiving information happens at the fingertips.

With the inception of digital media, the scope of mass communication management has increased tremendously. MBA in mass communication management covers a wide range of media sources as they influence society, business, corporate, and culture. It prepares students for the evolving technologically driven and knowledge-centered culture.

MBA in mass communication deals with organizing and supervising teams of media production houses, media professionals, communication units, channels, and technologies. It assists to handle various disciplines of media and facets of the mass media industry. With the expanding media propagation channels, the media market is witnessing a rising trend and that is why the scope of an MBA in mass communication management has increased manifold.

MBA in mass communication management provides expertise in handling tools and equipment about different professional networks, media industries, marketing strategies, and technologies for advancement in the mass media. The professional program covers different areas of specialization such as sales management, business statistics, strategic brand management, communication theories & culture, digital marketing, marketing research, integrated marketing communication planning, research methodology, disaster management, content marketing, and many more.

MBA in mass communication management opens a gateway to job opportunities such as media strategist, social media manager, digital marketing executive, and brand manager among others.