function shareOnFacebook(url) { const facebookShareUrl = `${url}`;, '_blank'); } function shareOnX(url) { const xShareUrl = `${url}`;, '_blank'); } function shareOnWhatsapp(title, url) { const shortenedURL = `${url}`; const whatsappShareUrl = `${title}? via @Education Mitra ${shortenedURL}`;, '_blank'); } function shareOnLinkedIn(title, url) { const shortenedURL = `education-mitra-web/blogs/${url}`; const linkedInShareUrl = `${shortenedURL}&title=${encodeURIComponent(title)}`;, '_blank'); } function copyText(url) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(url) .then(() => { alert('Url Copy Successfully.') }) .catch(err => { console.error('Unable to copy URL to clipboard', err); alert('Something Wrong'); }); } $(document).ready(() => { var Tawk_API = Tawk_API || {}, Tawk_LoadStart = new Date(); (function () { var s1 = document.createElement("script"), s0 = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s1.async = true; s1.src = ''; s1.charset = 'UTF-8'; s1.setAttribute('crossorigin', '*'); s0.parentNode.insertBefore(s1, s0); })(); window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { var scrollDiv = document.getElementById('scroll-div'); var scrollDivOffsetTop = scrollDiv.offsetTop; if (window.pageYOffset > scrollDivOffsetTop) { scrollDiv.classList.add('fixed'); } else { scrollDiv.classList.remove('fixed'); } }); //let appUrl = ''; //let appAdminUrl = ''; let appUrl = ''; let appAdminUrl = ''; getUniversitiesByLocation(); getOnAir(); getAdmissionNotifications(); getUniversitiesRanking(); getStates(); getPopularCourses(); getActiveBlogs(); getTestimonials(); getTopUniversities(); getSavedName(); getProfileName(); function getUniversitiesByLocation() { fetch('assets/json/universities-by-location.json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { //index page const universitiesContainer = $('#topUniversitiesContainer'); const owlCarouselOptions = { loop: true, margin: 10, nav: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, // stagePadding:50, dots: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 2, }, 768: { items: 3, }, 1024: { items: 6, }, }, }; universitiesContainer.owlCarousel(owlCarouselOptions); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const university = data[i]; const universityCard = document.createElement('div'); universityCard.className = 'item'; universityCard.innerHTML = `
`; universitiesContainer.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [universityCard]).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } //top-universities page const cityFilterRow = $('#cityFilterRow'); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { const university = data[i]; const cityFilterColumn = `
`; cityFilterRow.append(cityFilterColumn); } }) .catch(error => { // console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getActiveBlogs() { fetch(appUrl + 'insights-active') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const activeBlog =; const activeBlogContainer = $('#activeBlogs'); $("#blogPageContainer").empty(); activeBlog.forEach(activeBlogItem => { const blogCardHtml = `
`; $("#blogPageContainer").append(blogCardHtml); }); $("#applyNowLatestBlogsRow").empty(); const applyNowLatestBlogsRow = $('#applyNowLatestBlogsRow'); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const activeBlogItem = activeBlog[i]; const activeBlogCard = `
${trimTextToWords(activeBlogItem.heading, 10)}

Read More

`; applyNowLatestBlogsRow.append(activeBlogCard); } const owlCarouselOptions = { loop: true, margin: 15, nav: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, // stagePadding:50, dots: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 768: { items: 2, }, 1024: { items: 3, }, 1440: { items: 4, }, }, }; activeBlogContainer.owlCarousel(owlCarouselOptions); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const activeBlogItem = activeBlog[i]; const activeBlogCard = document.createElement('div'); activeBlogCard.className = 'item'; activeBlogCard.innerHTML = `
${trimTextToWords(activeBlogItem.heading, 10)}
Read More
`; activeBlogContainer.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [activeBlogCard]).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getOnAir() { fetch(appUrl + 'on-air-active') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const onAir =; const trendingVideosContainer = $('#trendingVideos'); const owlCarouselOptions = { loop: true, margin: 15, nav: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, // stagePadding:50, dots: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 768: { items: 2, }, 1024: { items: 3, }, 1440: { items: 4, }, }, }; trendingVideosContainer.owlCarousel(owlCarouselOptions); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { const onAirVideo = onAir[i]; const trendingVideosCard = document.createElement('div'); trendingVideosCard.className = 'item'; trendingVideosCard.innerHTML = `
${trimTextToWords(onAirVideo.heading, 10)}
`; trendingVideosContainer.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [trendingVideosCard]).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); const modalButton = trendingVideosCard.querySelector(''); modalButton.addEventListener('click', () => { updateModalContent(onAirVideo, i); }); } //trending videos page const trendingVideosRow = $('#trendingVideosRow'); for (let i = 0; i < onAir.length; i++) { const onAirVideo = onAir[i]; const trendingVideosCard = document.createElement('div'); trendingVideosCard.className = 'col-lg-3 col-md-6 col-12 mt-3'; trendingVideosCard.innerHTML = `
${trimTextToWords(onAirVideo.heading, 10)}
`; trendingVideosRow.append(trendingVideosCard); } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function updateModalContent(onAirVideo, index) { const tempElement = document.createElement('div'); tempElement.innerHTML = ` `; document.body.appendChild(tempElement); $(`#exampleModal${index}`).modal('show'); } function getAdmissionNotifications() { fetch(appUrl + 'admission-notification-active') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const admissionNotifications =; const admissionNotificationRow = $('#admissionNotificationRow'); const accessToken = sessionStorage.getItem('accessToken'); const name = sessionStorage.getItem('name'); // Check if accessToken and name are both available if (!accessToken || !name) { for (let i = 0; i < admissionNotifications.length; i++) { const notification = admissionNotifications[i]; const notificationCard = `


`; admissionNotificationRow.append(notificationCard); } } else { for (let i = 0; i < admissionNotifications.length; i++) { const notification = admissionNotifications[i]; const notificationCard = `


`; admissionNotificationRow.append(notificationCard); } } }) .catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getUniversitiesRanking() { const selectedUniversities = []; // Move the declaration outside the function const selectedUniversitiesContainer = $("#selectedUniversitiesContainer"); fetch(appUrl + "university?page=-1") .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { const universities =; //console.log('university data', universities) const rankingTableBody = $('#rankingTableBody'); for (let i = 0; i < universities.length; i++) { const rank = universities[i]; const rankingTableRow = document.createElement('tr'); const imgCell = document.createElement('td'); imgCell.className = 'border-1px university-logo'; const img = document.createElement('img'); img.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy'); img.className = 'img-fluid'; img.src = rank?.university_icon_file?.url; img.width = '50px'; img.height = '50px'; imgCell.appendChild(img); rankingTableRow.appendChild(imgCell); const nameCell = document.createElement('td'); nameCell.className = 'border-1px'; nameCell.textContent = rank?.name; rankingTableRow.appendChild(nameCell); const rankCell = document.createElement('td'); rankCell.className = 'border-1px text-center'; rankCell.textContent = rank?.nirf_rank; rankingTableRow.appendChild(rankCell); const ratingCell = document.createElement('td'); ratingCell.className = 'border-1px text-center'; ratingCell.textContent = rank?.rating; rankingTableRow.appendChild(ratingCell); rankingTableBody.append(rankingTableRow); } const compairUniversitiesRow = $("#compairUniversitiesRow"); let selectedIndex = -1; // Initialize with an invalid index function renderUniversityCard(university, index) { const isSelected = index === selectedIndex; const checkmark = isSelected ? "text-success" : "text-secondary"; return `
`; } compairUniversitiesRow.html(, index) => renderUniversityCard(university, index)).join(""), ); // Modify the click event handler $(".col-lg-3").on("click", function () { const index = $(this).data("index"); const isSelected = $(this).find(".fas.fa-check-circle").hasClass("text-success"); if (isSelected) { // Remove from the array if already selected selectedUniversities.splice(selectedUniversities.indexOf(index), 1); } else { // Add to the array if not selected selectedUniversities.push(index); } // Toggle the checkmark $(this).find(".fas.fa-check-circle").toggleClass("text-success"); }); // Modify the submit button click event $("#submitBtn").on("click", function () { if (selectedUniversities.length < 2) { alert("Select at least two universities for comparison."); return; } $('.hiddenItems').removeClass("d-block").addClass("d-none"); $('.displayBlockItems').removeClass("d-none").addClass("d-block"); // Create HTML for selected universities and append to a container selectedUniversitiesContainer.empty(); selectedUniversities.forEach((index) => { const university = universities[index]; const universityCardHTML = `
${university.rating} | 5


${university?.city?.name}, ${university?.state?.name}





`; selectedUniversitiesContainer.append(universityCardHTML); }); }); // removing the selected universities on remove button click // const selectedUniversitiesContainer = $("#selectedUniversitiesContainer"); selectedUniversitiesContainer.on("click", ".remove-university-btn", function () { const cardToRemove = $(this).closest(".col-lg-4"); const indexToRemove ="index"); selectedUniversities.splice(selectedUniversities.indexOf(indexToRemove), 1); cardToRemove.remove(); if (selectedUniversities.length === 0) { $('.hiddenItems').removeClass("d-none").addClass("d-block"); $('.displayBlockItems').removeClass("d-block").addClass("d-none"); window.location.reload(); } }); // Add event handler for "Remove All Universities" button $("#removeAllBtn").on("click", function () { selectedUniversities.length = 0; // Clear the selectedUniversities array selectedUniversitiesContainer.empty(); // Remove all university cards from the display container $('.hiddenItems').removeClass("d-none").addClass("d-block"); $('.displayBlockItems').removeClass("d-block").addClass("d-none"); window.location.reload(); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error("Error fetching data:", error); }); } function getStates() { fetch(appAdminUrl + 'states') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const states =; const stateSelect = document.getElementById('stateSelect'); if (stateSelect) { stateSelect.innerHTML = ''; const defaultOption = document.createElement('option'); defaultOption.disabled = true; defaultOption.selected = true; defaultOption.textContent = 'Select State'; stateSelect.appendChild(defaultOption); states.forEach(state => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value =; option.textContent =; stateSelect.appendChild(option); }); } }) .catch(error => { console.log('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getPopularCourses() { fetch(appUrl + 'popular-courses?page=-1') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const course =; if (course.length > 0) { const courseSelected = document.getElementById('courseSelected'); const courseSelect = document.getElementById('courseSelect'); const registerCourseSelect = document.getElementById('registerCourseSelect'); // Populate registerCourseSelect if (registerCourseSelect !== null) { registerCourseSelect.innerHTML = ''; const defaultOption1 = document.createElement('option'); defaultOption1.disabled = true; defaultOption1.selected = true; defaultOption1.textContent = 'Select Course'; registerCourseSelect.appendChild(defaultOption1); course.forEach(courseItem => { const option1 = document.createElement('option'); option1.value =; option1.textContent = courseItem.course; registerCourseSelect.appendChild(option1); }); } // Populate courseSelect if (courseSelect !== null) { courseSelect.innerHTML = ''; const defaultOption = document.createElement('option'); defaultOption.disabled = true; defaultOption.selected = true; defaultOption.textContent = 'Select Course'; courseSelect.appendChild(defaultOption); course.forEach(courseItem => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = courseItem.course; option.textContent = courseItem.course; courseSelect.appendChild(option); }); } // Populate courseSelected (if it's present) if (courseSelected !== null) { if (courseSelected) { courseSelected.innerHTML = ''; const defaultOption2 = document.createElement('option'); defaultOption2.disabled = true; defaultOption2.selected = true; defaultOption2.textContent = 'Select Course'; courseSelected.appendChild(defaultOption2); course.forEach(courseItem => { const option2 = document.createElement('option'); option2.value = courseItem.course; option2.textContent = courseItem.course; courseSelected.appendChild(option2); }); } } } else { // popular course page const popularCoursesRow = document.getElementById('popularCoursesRow'); popularCoursesRow.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing content course.forEach(courseItem => { const popularCourseCard = document.createElement('div'); popularCourseCard.className = 'col-lg-3 col-md-6 my-3'; popularCourseCard.innerHTML = `


${courseItem.rating} | 5
Duration : ${courseItem.duration}
Fee : ${courseItem.fee}
About : ${courseItem.about}
`; popularCoursesRow.appendChild(popularCourseCard); }); } }) .catch(error => { console.log('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getTestimonials() { fetch(appUrl + 'scribble-wall-active') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const testimonials =; const testimonialsContainer = $('#testimonials'); const owlCarouselOptions = { loop: true, margin: 15, nav: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, // stagePadding: 50, dots: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 768: { items: 2, }, 1024: { items: 3, }, 1440: { items: 3, }, }, }; testimonialsContainer.owlCarousel(owlCarouselOptions); for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { const testimonialItem = testimonials[i]; const testimonialsCard = document.createElement('div'); testimonialsCard.className = 'item'; testimonialsCard.innerHTML = `

${trimTextToWords(, 45)}...

`; testimonialsContainer.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [testimonialsCard]).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } }) .catch(error => { // console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function getTopUniversities() { fetch('assets/json/top-course-universities.json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const allUniversities =; //index page top-university section const indexTopUniversitiesSectionContainer = $('#indexTopUniversitiesSectionContainer'); const owlCarouselOptions = { loop: true, margin: 10, nav: false, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 2000, // stagePadding:50, dots: true, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, }, 768: { items: 1, }, 1024: { items: 2, }, 1440: { items: 2, }, }, }; indexTopUniversitiesSectionContainer.owlCarousel(owlCarouselOptions); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { const topUniversityItem = allUniversities[i]; const indexTopUniversitiesSectionCard = document.createElement('div'); indexTopUniversitiesSectionCard.className = 'item'; indexTopUniversitiesSectionCard.innerHTML = `


${} | 5

${trimTextToWords(, 20)}..Read More

`; indexTopUniversitiesSectionContainer.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [indexTopUniversitiesSectionCard]).trigger('refresh.owl.carousel'); } //top-university page const topUniversitiesRow = $("#topUniversitiesRow"); for (let i = 0; i < allUniversities.length; i++) { const topUniversityItem = allUniversities[i]; const topUniversityCard = `
${} | 5

${trimTextToWords(, 20)}...

`; topUniversitiesRow.append(topUniversityCard); } }) .catch(error => { // console.error('Error fetching data:', error); }); } function trimTextToWords(text, maxWords) { return text.split(' ').slice(0, maxWords).join(' '); } }) var counter = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('counter')) || 0; function countNumber() { counter++; sessionStorage.setItem('counter', counter); } $(document).ready(function () { const counter = sessionStorage.getItem('counter'); startTimer(20000); function startTimer(intervalTime) { setTimeout(openModal, intervalTime); } function openModal() { const accessToken = sessionStorage.getItem('accessToken'); const name = sessionStorage.getItem('name'); // Check if accessToken and name are both available if (!accessToken || !name) { $('#exampleModal').modal('show'); let oldCounter = sessionStorage.getItem('counter'); let counter = Number(oldCounter) + 1; sessionStorage.setItem('counter', counter); const newInterval = counter * 10000; startTimer(newInterval); } else { } } let appUrl = ''; //let appUrl = ''; // Initially hide the login form $("#loginForm").hide(); $(".loginText").hide(); // $("#otpForm").hide(); // $("#resendLink").hide(); $("#registerForm").show(); $(".registerText").show(); // Handle click on "Click Here To Login" link $("#showLoginForm").click(function () { // Hide register form and register text $("#registerForm").hide(); $(".registerText").hide(); // Show login form and login text $("#loginForm").show(); $(".loginText").show(); }); // Handle click on "Click Here To Register" link $("#showRegisterForm").click(function () { // Hide login form and login text $("#loginForm").hide(); $(".loginText").hide(); // Show register form and register text $("#registerForm").show(); $(".registerText").show(); }); // Initialize the form validation $("#registerForm").validate({ rules: { name: { required: true, // minlength: 3, }, email: { required: true, email: true, }, contact: { required: true, }, course_id: { required: true, }, password: { required: true, // minlength: 6, }, confirm_password: { required: true, equalTo: "#registerPassword", // Ensure it matches the password }, }, messages: { name: { required: "Please enter your full name", // minlength: "Name must be at least 3 characters", }, email: { required: "Please enter your email", email: "Please enter a valid email address", }, contact: { required: "Please enter your contact number", }, course_id: { required: "Please select a course", }, password: { required: "Please enter a password", minlength: "Password must be at least 6 characters", }, confirm_password: { required: "Please confirm your password", equalTo: "Passwords do not match", }, }, submitHandler: function (form) { const formDataObject = { name:, email:, contact: parseInt(, // Convert to number course_id: form.elements.course_id.value, password: form.elements.password.value }; fetch(appUrl + "student-register", { method: "POST", headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Device': 'WEB' }, body: JSON.stringify(formDataObject), }).then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data.status === "success" && { const successAlert = $("#successAlert"); successAlert.find("#successMessage").text(data.message);; $("#registerForm")[0].reset(); $("#registerForm").hide(); $(".registerText").hide(); // Simulate filling login form and submitting $('#loginForm input[name="email"]').val(; $('#loginForm input[name="password"]').val(formDataObject.password); $('#loginForm').submit(); // window.location.reload(true); } else { displayValidationErrors(data); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Server Error:", error); alert("Form submission failed!"); }); }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { error.insertAfter(element); } }); $("#loginForm").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, email: true, }, password: { required: true, // minlength: 6, } }, messages: { email: { required: "Please enter your email", email: "Please enter a valid email address", }, password: { required: "Please enter a password", minlength: "Password must be at least 6 characters", } }, submitHandler: function (form) { const formDataObject = { email:, password: form.elements.password.value, device: 'WEB' }; fetch(appUrl + "student-login", { method: "POST", headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Device': 'WEB' }, body: JSON.stringify(formDataObject), }).then(response => response.json()).then(data => { if (data.status === "success" && { let percentageData = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('formDataPercentage')) || 0; // Increment percentageData by 14 percentageData += 14; // Ensure percentageData does not exceed 100 percentageData = Math.min(Math.max(percentageData, 14), 100); // Store updated percentageData in sessionStorage sessionStorage.setItem('formDataPercentage', percentageData); const successAlert = $("#successAlert"); successAlert.find("#successMessage").text(data.message);; $("#loginForm")[0].reset(); // Correct way to set the access token in local storage localStorage.setItem('accessToken',; sessionStorage.setItem('accessToken',; sessionStorage.setItem('name',; sessionStorage.setItem('email',; sessionStorage.setItem('contact',; const retrievedToken = sessionStorage.getItem('accessToken'); const userName = sessionStorage.getItem('name'); const userEmail = sessionStorage.getItem('email'); const userContact = sessionStorage.getItem('contact'); // Log the name properly localStorage.setItem('self', JSON.stringify({ name:, email:, contact:, user_id:, username: })); // Reload the page window.location.reload(true); } else { displayValidationErrors(data); } }) .catch(error => { console.error("Server Error:", error); }); }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { error.insertAfter(element); } }); }); function displayValidationErrors(response) { // Display error messages in the alert const errorList = $("#errorList"); errorList.empty(); if (response.errors) { $.each(response.errors, function (field, messages) { // Display each error message for the corresponding field $.each(messages, function (_, errorMessage) { $("
  • ").text(`${field}: ${errorMessage}`).appendTo(errorList); }); }); } else if (response.errorDetails) { // Display a general error message if errors structure is not present $("
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    ID: ${}

    Name: ${}

    Email: ${}

    Contact: ${}

    Username: ${selfData.username}

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    Desired Universities

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    `; } else { profileListItem.innerHTML = `

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    `; } } function logout() { // Remove data from sessionStorage sessionStorage.removeItem('accessToken'); sessionStorage.removeItem('name'); let percentageData = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('formDataPercentage')) || 0; percentageData -= 14; percentageData = Math.min(Math.max(percentageData, 14), 100); sessionStorage.setItem('formDataPercentage', percentageData); window.location.reload(true); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Check if it's a small device if (window.innerWidth <= 770) { var myList = document.getElementById("myList"); // Remove the existing classes myList.classList.remove("dropdown-menu", "small-menu"); // Add the new class for small devices myList.classList.add("new-small-class"); } }); $(document).ready(function () { $('.dropdown-submenu a.test').on("click", function (e) { $(this).next('ul').toggle(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); }); /*profile nav bar*/ (function ($) { "use strict"; var fullHeight = function () { $('.js-profile-fullheight').css('height', $(window).height()); $(window).resize(function () { $('.js-profile-fullheight').css('height', $(window).height()); }); }; fullHeight(); $('#sidebarCollapse').on('click', function () { $('#sidebar').toggleClass('active'); }); })(jQuery);


    4.8 | 5.0



    3 Years


    Online BA Course: Get to Know About the Courses, Eligibility, Admissions, Fees and Opportunities

    What is an Online BA Course?

    An online BA course refers to a Bachelor of Arts degree program that is offered through an online learning platform. It provides students with the opportunity to pursue undergraduate degree in various disciplines, such as humanities, social sciences, business, communication, and more, through a flexible and remote learning format. Many well-known top colleges offer various UG, PG, and diplomas courses. Check all about the UGC-approved universities. 

    BA correspondence course typically involve interactive lectures, assignments, discussion forums, and assessments delivered through online platforms, allowing students to access course materials and engage in learning activities from any location with an internet connection.

    Key Benefits of Pursuing Online BA?

    • Flexibility: Study at your own pace and balance your studies with work or other commitments.
    • Convenience: Access course materials and participate in BA classes online from anywhere with an internet connection.
    • Variety of Programs: Choose from a wide range of disciplines and majors to align with your interests and career goals.
    • Accessibility: Break down geographical barriers and pursue higher education without the need for relocation.
    • Interactive Learning: Engage in discussions, collaborative projects, and multimedia resources for an interactive learning experience.
    • Personalized Learning: Tailor your learning experience to your pace and preferences.
    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, professionals, and experts from diverse backgrounds and industries.
    • Career Advancement: Enhance your career prospects and increase your earning potential with a bachelor's degree.
    • Technological Skills Development: Gain proficiency in digital tools and platforms relevant to the modern workplace.
    • Personal Growth and Self-Discipline: Develop time management, self-motivation, and organizational skills for personal and professional success.
    • After BA Course List: MA, MBA, Ph.D. are the best courses after BA

    Eligibility for Online BA Course?

    The candidate should be 10+2 pass out or equivalent from a government-recognized board with at least 45-50% marks. Although, the minimum eligibility criteria depend upon the choice of college. 

    What is the Online BA Duration?

    Usually, the duration of online BA lasts for a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years. The curriculum is divided into 6 semesters, 2 semesters each year.  

    What is the Online BA Admission Procedure

    The BA admission distance education process is designed to be as hassle-free as possible.

    Step 1: Open the official website, and register yourself by filling in the common details like name, mail id, and contact number.

    Step 2: Confirm your registration by generating a student login with a username and password.

    Step 3: Fill out the required details and upload the documents as instructed. 

    Step 4: Pay the online BA fees via various payment modes available.

    Step 5: The college will check the details and send you the confirmation message and e-mail.

    List of Top Online BA Course Universities in India Fees, Admissions, and Eligibility

    There are many UGC-approved distance BA course universities in India but we have shortlisted some of the best online BA university with online BA programs and BA distance education fees:

    Best Online learning BA University/College BA online course fees (INR) About BA Course Eligibility Online BA Admission 2024-2025
    Swami Vivekanand Subharti University Meerut 11,000 10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admissions open for 2024-2025 sessions
    LPUDE Jalandhar



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admissions Open 
    Suresh Gyan Vihar University



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admissions open for 2024-2025 sessions
    Chandigarh University Online 



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admissions open for 2024-2025 sessions
    U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admissions open for 2024-2025 sessions
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    IGNOU New Delhi



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Last date 15 July 2024
    Shri Venkateshwara University



    10+2 Pass out from recognized board or equivalent Admission Open

    How to Choose Which Online PG Degree is Best After Graduation?

    When choosing the best online MA degree after graduation, consider factors such as your interests, career goals, curriculum relevance, accreditation, the reputation of the university, faculty expertise, student support services, flexibility of the program, networking opportunities, and alumni success. 

    Research and compare multiple online MA programs, review their course offerings, speak with program advisors or alumni, and assess how well each program aligns with your aspirations and provides the necessary skills and knowledge for your desired career path. Get detailed information about this from our free education counseling experts.

    Education Mitra is a user-friendly portal that allows you to get free personalized guidance, ask experts, and consult your guide-like features at your fingertips. Here, you can find top universities as per your desired programs and book consultation. 

    Is it worth doing a BA from Online Learning? 

    Yes, pursuing a BA degree distance learning can be worth it. Online learning offers flexibility, convenience, and accessibility, allowing you to balance your studies with work or other commitments. It provides access to a wide range of programs, interactive learning experiences, and networking opportunities. 

    The quality of online BA programs has significantly improved, and many reputable universities offer accredited online degrees. However, it's important to choose a recognized and reputable institution to ensure the value and recognition of your degree in the job market. Before heading to a BA online university, check the university accreditations, ranking, reviews, admissions dates, procedures, etc. Compare universities with Education Mitra’s comparing feature to make an appropriate decision. 

    What are the Different Types of BA courses?

    There are various types of BA (Bachelor of Arts) courses available across disciplines. Some best BA online courses include:

    1. Online BA in Humanities: Focuses on subjects like literature, history, philosophy, and cultural studies.
    2. Online BA in Social Sciences: Covers fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, and economics.
    3. Online BA in Communication: Explores areas like journalism, media studies, public relations, and advertising.
    4. Online BA in Business Administration: Emphasizes business principles, management, marketing, finance, and entrepreneurship.
    5. Online BA in Fine Arts: Concentrates on visual arts, performing arts, music, theater, and film studies.
    6. Online BA in Education: Prepares students for careers in teaching and education-related fields.
    7. Online BA in Language Studies: Focuses on language acquisition, linguistics, translation, and interpretation.
    8. Online BA in Social Work: Trains students for careers in community services, social welfare, and counseling.
    9. Online BA in Political Science: Examines government systems, international relations, public policy, and political theory.
    10. Online BA in Economics: Studies economic theory, analysis, financial markets, and policies.

    These are just a few examples, and there are many more specialized BA programs available in various fields of study. Each program offers unique coursework and career pathways aligned with the respective disciplines.

    What are the Job Opportunities for Online BA Students?

    There are several career options after BA programme. This course helps you to align the right career path and achieve your goals.

    • Advertising / Broadcast / Journalism and Mass Communication
    • Law
    • Religious Studies & International Relations
    • Public Administration
    • Business Management
    • Film Editing and Direction
    • Library and Information Science
    • Social Work & Community Service
    • Civil Services
    • Public Planning
    • Professional Writing
    • Graphics and Printing Industry
    • Business Process Outsourcing Units

    What is the Salary Trend for Online BA Pursuers?

    The income range for BA graduates, depending on their skill set in the field, ranges from INR 2 to 5 LPA.

    Significance of Online BA in Jobs

    An online BA degree in India holds significant significance in the job market. It demonstrates your commitment to personal and professional growth, as well as your ability to balance multiple responsibilities. Employers value the skills and knowledge gained through a BA program, including critical thinking, communication, research, and problem-solving abilities. 

    Online BA degrees from accredited institutions are widely recognized, and graduates are considered qualified candidates for various job opportunities across industries. The flexibility and adaptability demonstrated by online learners also showcase valuable traits sought after by employers in today's rapidly evolving work environment.

    Which are the Top Hiring Firms For BA

    • Axis Bank
    • Reliance Life Insurance
    • Genpact
    • Maruti
    • Infosys
    • AY Global
    • Digital Beez
    • Compitally
    • Accenture
    • Amazon
    • Amdocs
    • Axis Bank

    Note: To know more about online MBA courses, get in touch with Education Mitra. Don’t forget to click on notifications for the latest blogs and newsletters.


    The need for a loan to pursue an online BA course depends on your financial situation. Some students may choose to take out loans to cover BA correspondence fees and other educational expenses, while others may rely on personal savings, scholarships, employer tuition assistance, or other funding sources.

    Online BA programs offer flexibility, convenience, and accessibility, allowing students to balance their studies with work and personal commitments. Offline BA programs typically require full-time enrollment, making them less suitable for working professionals seeking to advance their education while continuing their careers.

    The impact of an online BA on your salary compared to an offline MBA depends on various factors such as your skills, experience, industry, and employer. While an offline BA may provide certain advantages, the overall impact on salary will vary on a case-by-case basis.

    Yes, Online BA allows flexible scheduling. Students are not bound to present at a particular place or time as in traditional learning mode. They can take BA online classes from anywhere through Online mode.

    Yes, you can enroll in an online BA program after 12th science.

    Many universities such as Suresh Gyan Vihar University, LPU, Subharti University offer the best placement to the students.

    Bachelor of Arts Programme is the full form of BA programme course.

    There are more than 10 subject as per the BA course choice.